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An Artist's Network is his/her Net WORTH

In any profession, marketing is a very important part of a business's lifeblood; involving a balance of brash distinctiveness and manner-able attitude that must be cultivated at all times. As a farmer looking to market vegetables for instance, one must be able to converse with customers as soon as they arrive to a stand at a Farmer's Market or at the farm operation itself. Even if they are reported to have the ripest tomatoes, or the freshest ears of sweet corn, the farmer or a representative of the operation must be able to convince that person to buy their product. But let's backtrack a bit and examine WHY was the person interested to buy fresh veggies from, "Farmer Gee" in the first place. From here, the framework for General Business Presentation (GBP) will be introduced.

Word-Of-Mouth scenarios have always been a vital part of any business marketing scheme (if any). Usually in these type of cases, a product's potential value have been promoted by people that are either customers of the business themselves, or they are just casually passing, "useful gossip" along just because. I had to learn this through my growing pains of experience. And since I am within my 5 year point that all IBO's should consider to look at their business and see if it is worth running after that point. Well at this junction I can definitely say that my future is progressing in the right direction. Understanding, Innerstanding, and most importantly, Overstanding that in any decent GBP framework starts and ends with both the Client and the IBO's personal and interconnected network via "Word-Of-Mouth".

I am not just a "beatmaker", nor am I a classically trained musician. I am just a person that enjoys Hip-Hop Production initially and the Recording Process lastly. Being as it may, my professionalism isn't tainted by the ordering of my appreciation for Production and Recording. And what I share with my clients face-to-face (or otherwise) is a chance to grow ARTISTICALLY as well as being considerate of their "Brand" as they say. There has to be a balance met between Art and Professionalism. And there HAS to be a genuine relationship between a CLIENT and a IBO, PERIOD. Otherwise, a so called producer might as well just create Vending Machine Model for his/her business and make Such-Type Beat and That-Type Beat, solely. So your Net-Worth isn't just in WHO you know, but WHAT you you know and HOW to apply it to a Client (Potential and/or Otherwise).

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